École de Surf Soonline labelisée Qualité de Tourisme logo-qualite-tourisme logo-label-destination-excellence
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With every renting, a deposit will be asked: identity (id card or driving license), deposit or print of credit card. All costs of hire must be paid before departure and no hire can be refund. With every renting, the client has the choice to add or not an insurance against theft or damage during the renting period. With an insurance and in case of theft and repair, the client must pay the half of the purchase price of the rented material or the half of the total amount of the reparation. In case of theft, the client must report it to the police and give a copy to Soon Line renting. Without insurance, the client must pay the total amount of the purchase price of the rented material or the total amount of reparation needed. Please respect all codes, rules on the road and in the ocean during your activity and rental period. During the whole renting period, the client is responsible for all material and accidents caused by the client him/herself. Soonline cannot be hold responsible for any sort of problems from the start until the end of the renting period.
